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3 years ago
# Collatz Conjecture
Welcome to Collatz Conjecture on Exercism's Erlang Track.
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## Instructions
The Collatz Conjecture or 3x+1 problem can be summarized as follows:
Take any positive integer n. If n is even, divide n by 2 to get n / 2. If n is
odd, multiply n by 3 and add 1 to get 3n + 1. Repeat the process indefinitely.
The conjecture states that no matter which number you start with, you will
always reach 1 eventually.
Given a number n, return the number of steps required to reach 1.
## Examples
Starting with n = 12, the steps would be as follows:
0. 12
1. 6
2. 3
3. 10
4. 5
5. 16
6. 8
7. 4
8. 2
9. 1
Resulting in 9 steps. So for input n = 12, the return value would be 9.
## Source
### Created by
- @NobbZ
### Contributed to by
- @ErikSchierboom
- @iHiD
- @JordanAdams
- @juhlig
- @kytrinyx
- @wojtii
### Based on
An unsolved problem in mathematics named after mathematician Lothar Collatz -