Responses for exercises in Exercism.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
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3 years ago
%% Generated with 'testgen v0.2.0'
%% Revision 1 of the exercises generator was used
%% This file is automatically generated from the exercises canonical data.
'1_year_not_divisible_by_4_in_common_year_test_'() ->
{"year not divisible by 4 in common year",
'2_year_divisible_by_2_not_divisible_by_4_in_common_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 2, not divisible by "
"4 in common year",
'3_year_divisible_by_4_not_divisible_by_100_in_leap_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 4, not divisible by "
"100 in leap year",
'4_year_divisible_by_4_and_5_is_still_a_leap_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 4 and 5 is still a "
"leap year",
'5_year_divisible_by_100_not_divisible_by_400_in_common_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 100, not divisible "
"by 400 in common year",
'6_year_divisible_by_100_but_not_by_3_is_still_not_a_leap_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 100 but not by 3 is "
"still not a leap year",
'7_year_divisible_by_400_is_leap_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 400 is leap year",
'8_year_divisible_by_400_but_not_by_125_is_still_a_leap_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 400 but not by 125 "
"is still a leap year",
'9_year_divisible_by_200_not_divisible_by_400_in_common_year_test_'() ->
{"year divisible by 200, not divisible "
"by 400 in common year",