Responses for exercises in Exercism.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
801 B

%% Erlang compiler options
{erl_opts, [debug_info, warnings_as_errors]}.
{deps, [{erl_exercism, "0.1.2"}]}.
{dialyzer, [
{warnings, [underspecs, no_return]},
{get_warnings, true},
{plt_apps, top_level_deps}, % top_level_deps | all_deps
{plt_extra_apps, []},
{plt_location, local}, % local | "/my/file/name"
{plt_prefix, "rebar3"},
{base_plt_apps, [stdlib, kernel, crypto]},
{base_plt_location, global}, % global | "/my/file/name"
{base_plt_prefix, "rebar3"}
%% eunit:test(Tests)
{eunit_tests, []}.
%% Options for eunit:test(Tests, Opts)
{eunit_opts, [verbose]}.
%% == xref ==
{xref_warnings, true}.
%% xref checks to run
{xref_checks, [undefined_function_calls, undefined_functions,
locals_not_used, exports_not_used,
deprecated_function_calls, deprecated_functions]}.