# Hints ## General - The Python Docs on [Control Flow Tools][control flow tools] and the Real Python tutorial on [conditionals][real python conditionals] are great places to start. - The Python Docs on [Boolean Operations][boolean operations] can be a great refresher on `bools`, as can the Real Python tutorial on [booleans][python booleans]. - The Python Docs on [Comparisons][comparisons] and [comparisons examples][python comparisons examples] can be a great refresher for comparisons. ## 1. Check for criticality - Comparison operators and boolean operations can be combined and used with conditionals. - Conditional expressions must evaluate to `True` or `False`. - `else` can be used for a code block that will execute when all conditional tests return `False`. ```python >>> item = 'blue' >>> item_2 = 'green' >>> if len(item) >=3 and len(item_2) < 5: print('Both pass the test!') elif len(item) >=3 or len(item_2) < 5: print('One passes the test!') else: print('None pass the test!') ... One passes the test! ``` ## 2. Determine the Power output range - Comparison operators can be combined and used with conditionals. - Any number of `elif` statements can be used as "branches". - Each "branch" can have a separate `return` ## 3. Fail Safe Mechanism - Comparison operators can be combined and used with conditionals. - Any number of `elif` statements can be used as "branches". - Each "branch" can have a separate `return` [python comparisons examples]: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/comparison_operators_example.htm [boolean operations]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#boolean-operations-and-or-not [comparisons]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#comparisons [python booleans]: https://realpython.com/python-boolean/ [real python conditionals]: https://realpython.com/python-conditional-statements/ [control flow tools]: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html