import unittest import pytest from conditionals import (is_criticality_balanced, reactor_efficiency, fail_safe) class MeltdownMitigationTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test cases for Meltdown mitigation exercise. """ @pytest.mark.task(taskno=1) def test_is_criticality_balanced(self): """Testing border cases around typical points. T, n == (800, 500), (625, 800), (500, 1000), etc. """ test_data = ((750, 650, True), (799, 501, True), (500, 600, True), (1000, 800, False), (800, 500, False), (800, 500.01, False), (799.99, 500, False), (500.01, 999.99, False), (625, 800, False), (625.99, 800, False), (625.01, 799.99, False), (799.99, 500.01, True), (624.99, 799.99, True), (500, 1000, False), (500.01, 1000, False), (499.99, 1000, True)) for variant, data in enumerate(test_data, start=1): temperature, neutrons_emitted, expected = data with self.subTest(f"variation #{variant}", temperature=temperature, neutrons_emitted=neutrons_emitted, expected=expected): got = is_criticality_balanced(temperature, neutrons_emitted) msg=f"Expected {expected} but returned {got} with T={temperature} and neutrinos={neutrons_emitted}" self.assertEqual(got, expected, msg) @pytest.mark.task(taskno=2) def test_reactor_efficiency(self): voltage = 10 theoretical_max_power = 10000 # The numbers are chosen so that current == 10 x percentage test_data = ((1000, 'green'), (999, 'green'), (800, 'green'), (799, 'orange'), (700, 'orange'), (600, 'orange'), (599, 'red'), (560, 'red'), (400, 'red'), (300, 'red'), (299, 'black'), (200, 'black'), (0, 'black')) for variant, data in enumerate(test_data, start=1): current, expected = data with self.subTest(f"variation #{variant}", voltage=voltage, current=current, theoretical_max_power=theoretical_max_power, expected=expected): got = reactor_efficiency(voltage, current, theoretical_max_power) msg=f"Expected {expected} but returned {got} with voltage={voltage}, current={current}, " \ f"max_pow={theoretical_max_power}" self.assertEqual(got, expected, msg) @pytest.mark.task(taskno=3) def test_fail_safe(self): temperature = 10 threshold = 10000 test_data = ((399, 'LOW'), (300, 'LOW'), (1, 'LOW'), (0, 'LOW'), (901, 'NORMAL'), (1000, 'NORMAL'), (1099, 'NORMAL'), (899, 'LOW'), (700, 'LOW'), (400, 'LOW'), (1101, 'DANGER'), (1200, 'DANGER')) for variant, data in enumerate(test_data, start=1): neutrons_produced_per_second, expected = data with self.subTest(f"variation #{variant}", temperature=temperature, neutrons_produced_per_second=neutrons_produced_per_second, threshold=threshold, expected=expected): got = fail_safe(temperature, neutrons_produced_per_second, threshold) msg = f"Expected {expected} but returned {got} with T={temperature}, " \ f"neutrons={neutrons_produced_per_second}, threshold={threshold}" self.assertEqual(got, expected, msg)