# Magazine Cutout Welcome to Magazine Cutout on Exercism's Rust Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. If you get stuck on the exercise, check out `HINTS.md`, but try and solve it without using those first :) ## Introduction Rust's entry API provides a view into a single entry in map, which may be either a `HashMap` or a `BTreeMap`. The entry may be either occupied and vacant, and the API provides methods to modify the contents of the entry. ## Instructions In this exercise you'll be using a `HashMap`, along with entry API methods, to solve a simple algorithm problem. Given `&[&str]` representing the words of a magazine article, and `&[&str]` representing the words of a note you would like to send, can you compose your note by cutting words out of the magazine and pasting them into a letter? Notes: - This implies physical cutting and pasting; the magazine needs to contain at least as many copies of each word as the note requires. - Capitalization matters; just because you're pasting together a note composed from words of a magazine doesn't mean you're willing to be ungrammatical. You'll start with the following stubbed function signature: ```rust pub fn can_construct_note(magazine: &[&str], note: &[&str]) -> bool { unimplemented!() } ``` Given the following input ```rust let magazine = "two times three is not four".split_whitespace().collect::>(); let note = "two times two is four".split_whitespace().collect::>(); assert!(!can_construct_note(&magazine, ¬e)); ``` The function returns `false` since the magazine only contains one instance of `"two"` when the note requires two of them. ## Source ### Created by - @seanchen1991