# Resistor Color Welcome to Resistor Color on Exercism's PHP Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. ## Instructions Resistors have color coded bands, where each color maps to a number. The first 2 bands of a resistor have a simple encoding scheme: each color maps to a single number. These colors are encoded as follows: - Black: 0 - Brown: 1 - Red: 2 - Orange: 3 - Yellow: 4 - Green: 5 - Blue: 6 - Violet: 7 - Grey: 8 - White: 9 Mnemonics map the colors to the numbers, that, when stored as an array, happen to map to their index in the array: Better Be Right Or Your Great Big Values Go Wrong. More information on the color encoding of resistors can be found in the [Electronic color code Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code) ## Source ### Created by - @camilopayan ### Contributed to by - @MichaelBunker