Responses for exercises in Exercism.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
766 B

(ns tracks-on-tracks-on-tracks)
(defn new-list
"Creates an empty list of languages to practice."
(defn add-language
"Adds a language to the list."
[lang lang-list]
(cons lang lang-list)
(defn first-language
"Returns the first language on the list."
(first lang-list)
(defn remove-language
"Removes the the first language added to the list."
(rest lang-list)
(defn count-languages
"Returns the total number of languages on the list."
(count lang-list)
(defn learning-list
"Creates an empty list, adds Clojure and Lisp, removes Lisp, adds
Java and JavaScript, then finally returns a count of the total number
of languages."
3 ;; yes, this is bullshit