Responses for exercises in Exercism.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
813 B

using System;
static class SavingsAccount
public static float InterestRate(decimal balance)
float interest = 0.5F;
if (balance >= 5000) {
interest = 2.475F;
} else if (balance >= 1000) {
interest = 1.621F;
} else if (balance < 0) {
interest = -3.213F;
return interest;
public static decimal AnnualBalanceUpdate(decimal balance)
return (balance * (decimal)(Math.Abs(InterestRate(balance) / 100))) + balance;
public static int YearsBeforeDesiredBalance(decimal balance, decimal targetBalance)
int years = 0;
while (balance < targetBalance) {
years += 1;
balance = AnnualBalanceUpdate(balance);
return years;