Julio Biason
11 years ago
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<h1>Flask</h1> |
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<section> |
<h2>O que é Flask?</h2> |
<ul> |
<li>Microframework web em Python.</li> |
<li>Framework sobre o Werkzeug (outro framework).</li> |
<li>Sem ORM, mas templates.</li> |
</ul> |
</section> |
<section> |
<section> |
<h2>Aplicativo Flask Básico</h2> |
<p><pre><code data-trim> |
from flask import Flask |
app = Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return 'Hello world' |
</code></pre></p> |
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<p><pre><code data-trim> |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- |
from flask import Flask |
app = Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return 'Hello world' |
</code></pre></p> |
<p><small>... mais o header...</small></p> |
</section> |
<section data-transition='none'> |
<p><pre><code data-trim> |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- |
"""Meu aplicativo web em Flask.""" |
from flask import Flask |
app = Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return 'Hello world' |
</code></pre></p> |
<p><small>... mais a documentação do módulo...</small></p> |
</section> |
<section data-transition='none'> |
<p><pre><code data-trim> |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- |
"""Meu aplicativo web em Flask.""" |
from flask import Flask |
app = Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
"""Apresentação do 'root' do aplicativo.""" |
return 'Hello world' |
</code></pre></p> |
<p><small>... mais a documentação das funções...</small></p> |
</section> |
<section data-transition='none'> |
<p><pre><code data-trim> |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- |
"""Meu aplicativo web em Flask.""" |
from flask import Flask |
from flask import render_template |
app = Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
"""Apresentação do 'root' do aplicativo.""" |
return render_template('hello.html') |
</code></pre></p> |
<p><small>... mais retornar templates ao invés de texto puro...</small></p> |
</section> |
<section data-transition='none'> |
<p><pre><code data-trim> |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- |
"""Meu aplicativo web em Flask.""" |
class Settings: |
SECRET_KEY = 'Sup3rs3cr33t' |
from flask import Flask |
from flask import render_template |
app = Flask(__name__) |
app.config.from_object(Settings) |
app.config.from_envvar('MEU_APLICATIVO_CONFIG') |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
"""Apresentação do 'root' do aplicativo.""" |
return render_template('hello.html') |
</code></pre></p> |
<p><small>... mais adicionar uma configuração...</small></p> |
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<img src='_images/baby-steps.jpg'> |
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