Random stuff, testing things, and so on.
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"""Resource Manager."""
import logging
import time
from threading import Condition
from threading import Lock
from threading import Thread
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Resource:
def __init__(self, manager, resources: int):
self._manager = manager
self._resources = resources
def release(self):
LOGGER.debug("Resource of %d will be returned", self._resources)
def resources(self):
return self._resources
class ResourceManager:
def __init__(self, total_resources: int):
self._total_resources = total_resources
self._cond = Condition(Lock())
LOGGER.debug("Created a manager with %d resources", self._total_resources)
def grab(self, resources: int):
"""Grab a number of resources; if there are not enough resources
available, blocks till they become available.
LOGGER.debug("Requesting %d resources; %d avaialble", resources, self._total_resources)
with self._cond:
self._cond.wait_for(lambda : self._total_resources >= resources)
self._total_resources -= resources
return Resource(self, resources)
def release(self, resources: int):
"""Return the number of resources to the pool."""
with self._cond:
self._total_resources += resources
LOGGER.debug("%d resources returned, %d available", resources, self._total_resources)
def worker(pid, resources):
LOGGER.debug("Thread %d is holding %d resources", pid, resources.resources)
LOGGER.debug("Thread %d finished, releasing %d resources", pid, resources.resources)
def main():
manager = ResourceManager(10)
threads = []
for i in range(10):
resources = manager.grab(i+1)
w = Thread(target=worker, args=[i, resources])
for t in threads:
if __name__ == '__main__':