Random stuff, testing things, and so on.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.2 KiB

//! Parse a Foam file into a major structure.
use pest_derive::Parser;
#[grammar = "foam.pest"]
pub struct Foam;
mod test {
use super::*;
use pest::Parser;
fn multi_comment() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::multi_comment, "/* this is comment */");
fn broken_multi() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::multi_comment, "/* bad comment");
fn single_comment() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::single_comment, "// this is comment");
fn chained_comments() {
let text = "/* this is one comment */
// And this is another";
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::file, text);
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
fn identifier() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::identifier, "FoamFile");
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::identifier, "foam_file");
fn broken_identifer() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::identifier, "123");
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::identifier, "asd ");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// XXX check if the identifier lost its space.
fn attribution() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::attribution, "version 2.0;");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
fn broken_attribution() {
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::attribution, "version 2.0");
assert!(parse.is_err(), "{:?}", parse);
fn dictionary() {
let text = "FoamFile
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location system;
object caseSetupDict;
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::dictionary, text);
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
fn dict_in_dict() {
let text = "dict1 { dict2 { class bad; } }";
let parse = Foam::parse(Rule::dictionary, text);
assert!(parse.is_err(), "{:#?}", parse);