//! Parse a Foam file into a major structure.
use pest_derive::Parser;
#[grammar = "foam.pest"]
struct FoamParser;
pub enum Foam {
Attribution { name: String, value: String },
mod parser {
use super::*;
use pest::Parser;
fn multi_comment() {
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::multi_comment, "/* this is comment */");
fn definition() {
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::definition, "foamFile");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::definition, "div(phi,U)");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::definition, "div((nuEff*dev2(T(grad(U)))))");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::definition, "FoamFile");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::definition, "foam_file");
fn attribution() {
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::attribution, "version 2.0;");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::attribution, "div(U) Gauss linear;");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
fn broken_multi() {
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::multi_comment, "/* bad comment");
fn single_comment() {
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::single_comment, "// this is comment");
fn broken_identifer() {
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::value, "123");
assert!(parse.is_err(), "{:#?}", parse);
let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::value, "asd ");
assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// #[test]
// fn attribution() {
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::attribution, "version 2.0;");
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn broken_attribution() {
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::attribution, "version 2.0");
// assert!(parse.is_err(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn dictionary() {
// let text = "FoamFile\n{\nversion 2.0;\nformat ascii;\nclass dictionary;\nlocation system;\nobject caseSetupDict;\n}";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::dictionary, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn dict_in_dict() {
// let text = "dict1 { dict2 { class bad; } }";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::dictionary, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn list() {
// let text = "list_name ( 1 2 3 );";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::list, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn sized_list() {
// let text = "list_name 3 ( 1 2 3 );";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::list, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:#?}", parse);
// }
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod file {
// use super::*;
// use pest::Parser;
// #[test]
// fn chained_comments() {
// let text = "/* this is one comment */\n// And this is another";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn attribution_with_comment() {
// let text = "version 2.0; // this is good";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn mid_comment() {
// let text = "version /* this is comment */ 2.0;";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn complex() {
// let text = "/* this is file */\nList ( 1\n2 // this is ok\n 3);";
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, text);
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// // Note: the following files were retrieved from OpenFoam examples:
// // https://develop.openfoam.com/Development/openfoam/-/tree/develop/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/RAS/rotatingFanInRoom/system
// #[test]
// fn control_dict() {
// let text = include_bytes!("../resources/controlDict");
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, &std::str::from_utf8(text).unwrap());
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// #[test]
// fn block_mesh_dict() {
// let text = include_bytes!("../resources/blockMeshDict");
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, &std::str::from_utf8(text).unwrap());
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// // #[test]
// // fn create_patch_dict() {
// // let text = include_bytes!("../resources/createPatchDict");
// // let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, &std::str::from_utf8(text).unwrap());
// // assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// // }
// #[test]
// fn fv_scheme() {
// let text = include_bytes!("../resources/fvSchemes");
// let parse = FoamParser::parse(Rule::file, &std::str::from_utf8(text).unwrap());
// assert!(parse.is_ok(), "{:?}", parse);
// }
// }