Emacs Lisp 0 0

My own configuration files

Updated 2 months ago

The source content for blog.juliobiason.me

Updated 10 months ago

Time's Up!

Updated 2 years ago

Random stuff, testing things, and so on.

Updated 5 days ago

Responses for exercises in Exercism.

Updated 1 year ago

Time Tracking Application. In Rust.

Updated 2 years ago

Financial app. Store receipts for things you pay. In Rust.

Updated 2 years ago

Download Mastodon favourites. In Rust.

Updated 2 years ago

Joplin Folder Organizer,

Updated 2 years ago

Name your Rust Project.

Updated 2 years ago

A DHash calculator for images. In Rust.

Updated 2 years ago

Calculate how many hours you're working. A project in multiple languages.

Updated 2 years ago

Activates virtualenvs when getting inside a directory.

Updated 2 years ago

Books I wrote, published with MDBook.

Updated 2 years ago

My Curriculum Vitae.

Updated 2 years ago

"Daytime" is a theme for Zola, a variation of "Nightime"

Updated 2 years ago

"EnexExploder" processes enex files (produced by Evernote exporter) into smaller pieces.

Updated 2 years ago

An example on how to work with Flink.

Updated 2 years ago

A CSS for styling Cgit.

Updated 2 years ago

The landing page for my domain.

Updated 2 years ago